Private in-home puppy training

everything from potty training to advanced obedience

The first 4 months of your puppy’s life is THE most important time throughout their whole life. Everything they experience during these first 4 months will affect the type of adult dog they grow to be. It is always better to start training, and especially socialization, as early as possible so you can be sure you are raising the BEST future adult dog!

The biggest difference between the puppy training programs is how much time we spend together and the ongoing support associated with each program. The more time we spend together, the better your dog will be trained! 

All programs begin with a consultation - click here to schedule!

Potty training

Puppy Pro Program - unlimited lessons

the only dog training program you’ll ever need

    • The ONLY dog training program you’ll ever need!

    • Split program because puppies and dogs have very different needs. I come back when your pup is around 8 months old for obedience.

    • Focus on advanced obedience once your pup grows up so you can enjoy brining them anywhere.

    • Field trips for advanced skill building 

    • Optional dog only lessons/field trips so you can take a well deserved break.

    • Lifetime access to an online portal containing everything we've worked on so you can rest assured you are doing everything right

    • Lifetime access to phone support. A question is only a text away!

    • Lifetime access to unlimited refresher lessons so you don't have to worry about those "what-ifs".

This program is designed as a split program, because your dog will have different needs at different times. The first part of the program is typically completed within 4 weeks, and starts while your pup is super young, focusing on socialization and puppy essentials such as potty training, chewing, and more.

The second part of the program is typically completed within 8 weeks, and starts when your pup is between 6-10 months old and focuses on guidance through the teenage dog craze and real world obedience.

Your dog will learn skills such as sit, down and stay with real world distractions so you can enjoy lunch outdoors with your friends and have your dog lay calmly at your feet.

Your dog will learn essential household skills such as “leave it” and “drop it” so you don’t have to worry about your dog getting into anything they’re not supposed to!

Your dog will also learn how to walk nicely on a leash so you can enjoy your walks, whether it’s a walk around the block or a few miles at the park. (And your dog will learn much, much more!)

teach puppy to stop biting

Proper Pup Program

    • Split program because puppies and dogs have very different needs. I come back when your pup is around 8 months old for obedience.

    • Focus on household level obedience so you can have the wonderful family member you dream of. 

    • Access to an online portal containing everything we've worked on so you can rest assured you are doing everything right.

    • Access to refresher lessons within 6 months of completion.

    • Enjoy 10% off any programs booked in the future just in case you get a dog who needs training.

This program is designed as a split program, because your puppy will have different needs at different times. The first part of the program is typically completed within 4 weeks , and starts while your pup is super young, focusing on socialization and puppy essentials such as potty training, chewing, and more.

The second part of the program is typically completed within 4 weeks, and starts when your pup is between 6-10 months old and focuses on guidance through the teenage dog craze and household obedience.

Your dog will learn skills such as sit and down with household distractions so you can trust that your dog won’t run out of the next open door he sees.

Your dog will learn how to politely greet guests, saving you from the embarrassment that comes with a dog who (lovingly) ambushes your guests. (and there is more that your dog will learn!)

teach puppy to listen

The Social Pup Program

    • A focus on proper socialization and handling typical puppy challenges the correct way.

    • Phone support throughout duration of program.

The Social Pup Program is designed for puppies within the ages of 8-16 weeks and is typically completed within 2-4 weeks. This program focuses on proper socialization and essential puppy raising skills such as potty training, chewing, and more.