Private in-home dog training

addressing a wide range of behaviors: leash walking, off leash training, reactivity and more

All programs begin with a consultation - click here to schedule!

The biggest difference between the dog training programs is how much time we spend together and the ongoing support associated with each program. The more time we spend together, the better your dog will be trained! 

Train dog to stop barking

Behaved Fur-Ever - lifelong support

the only dog training program you’ll ever need

    • The only dog training program you’ll ever need.

    • A focus on teaching your dog the skills needed to behave anywhere you go!

    • Private in home and around town lessons - address your dog's challenges where they’re happening!

    • Field trips so you have peace of mind knowing your dog can listen anywhere you go.

    • Fast track option - condense the program into 1 month for quick, intensive learning.

    • Trainer-led sessions + field trips so can take a well deserved break (owner not required to be present)

    • Lifetime access to an online portal containing worksheets on how to work with your dog, so you can know you are always training your dog the right way.

    • Lifetime access to phone support. A question is only a text away!

    • Lifetime access to unlimited lessons after completion of program so you don’t have to worry about those “what ifs” OR you can use them to teach your dog whatever you want, even if it’s years down the road and has no relevance to the program!

The Advanced Life Skills Program is typically completed within 3 months and is designed to take your dog from start to finish.

Your dog will learn skills needed to be able to listen in every situation. From being able to have verbal control over your dog so you don’t have to get off the couch to being able to enjoy lunch on a busy patio while your dog lays calmly at your feet. Your dog will learn to come when called, even if there’s deer in the backyard or you accidentally drop the leash at a busy park.

Your dog will learn to walk on a loose leash, even when people and dogs are walking towards you, making trips to the vet, pet store, and park enjoyable. Your dog will learn the skills necessary to behave everywhere, including places he’s never been!

This program is appropriate for dogs dealing with reactivity or aggression, as the exact training plans are tailored to the individual dog. Training for reactive and aggressive dogs is focused on changing your dogs emotions. We want them to feel better, not just appear better.

Your dog CAN change the way they feel about their world! Start welcoming guests into your home without stressing about your dog hurting them. Feel confident and safe when you see another dog coming up on your walk. Don't worry about your dog possibly biting the next hand that reaches towards his favorite bone. Have the freedom to take your dog out in public! 

Train dog to walk on leash

Pawfessional Skills Program

    • A focus on teaching your dog the skills needed to be an excellent family member.

    • Private in home lessons - address your dog’s challenges where they’re happening!

    • Access to an online portal containing worksheets on how to work with your dog, so you can know you are always training your dog the right way.

    • Phone support during program + 6 months after completion of program. A question is only a text away!

    • Access to refresher lessons within 6 months of completion of program so you don’t have to worry about those “what ifs”

The Progressive Skills Program is typically completed within 6-8 weeks and is designed to restore the peace within your home.

Your dog will learn rules and boundaries throughout the home and you will feel confident knowing you have control over your dog, even from across the room. Your dog will learn how to stay calm while you’re eating dinner, so you don’t have to listen to incessant barking or be worried about your food getting snagged the moment you turn your back. Your dog will learn how to politely greet your guests so you don’t have to feel embarrassed by his rambunctious behavior.

Train dog to stop jumping

Bark Basics Program

    • Private in-home lessons - address your dog’s challenges where they’re happening!

    • Phone support throughout program. A question is only a text away!

The Starter Skills Program is typically completed within 2-4 weeks, and is designed to accomplish a limited amount of goals. Since this program is short, a big focus is teaching you how to train your dog so if you want to take the training further after completion of the program, you will feel confident doing so!